Saturday, 30 January 2016


If I define a hologram just as well as my nervous system defines this table, then there is no real technical reason anymore to state that this table is the original and the hologram is a simulation, or vice versa. This would be metaphysics. If I define this hologram better than the nervous system does then suddenly this table becomes a simulation of the hologram.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Leroi-Gourhan in Japan

Eté 1938 en Hokkaïdo : André Leroi-Gourhan pose devant le nusa, palissade sacrée d’un village Aïnou

André Leroi-Gourhan pose en 1938 avec l’ensemble des objets constituant la panoplie acquise auprès des Aïnous :

Fayette Hauser, The Cockettes in a Field of Lavender, 1971.  

The Birth of Art

Thursday, 28 January 2016



Saturday, 23 January 2016

white-eyed girl-boy

Almost all interviewees described 'white-eyed players' as a 'special type of people'. adding such comments as 'I don't know them' and 'they're not my kind'.

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communications down

non sine sole iris

Thursday, 21 January 2016


performed on computer or via computer simulation

“Functioning as magical sigils or engineering diagrams hyperstitions are ideas that, once ‘downloaded’ into the cultural mainframe, engender apocalyptic positive feedback cycles. Whether couched as religious mystery teaching, or as secular credo, hyperstitions act as catalysts, engendering further (and faster) change and subversion. Describing the effect of very real cultural anxieties about the future, hyperstitions refer to exponentially accelerating social transformations.”

I steer clear of those who expect fate, dreams, a riot to provide them with a way to escape their weakness. They are too much like those who in the past relied on God to save their wasted lives.

Bataille/ acephale

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


superstitious texts, giants,

Ideas of primitive / origin / rough hewn

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

trash mantra

Anthropotechnical profiling of the citizen / subject / human

Ported objects / Portability  of objects and implications / relation to body / site /

The Port of Rome / the body hygenic

In software engineering, porting is the process of adapting software so that an executable program can be created for a computing environment that is different from the one for which it was originally designed (e.g. different CPU, operating system, or third party library).

Thursday, 14 January 2016

something happened on the way from mars

Something happened on the way from Mars
a site specific show in Futuro house - CSM
Curated by Pete Smithson

In the future: 2116
After catastrophic events during the previous century which scientists believed were due to climate change, Earth was abandoned and colonies established on other planets, the nearest of which was Mars.
In 2116 it was decided that an exploratory expedition would be sent to ascertain if the Earth’s atmosphere had recovered sufficiently to venture a permanent return.
Futuro finally landed on Earth, but on waking from space sleep the crew realised that " something happened on the way from Mars"

Work by: Kristaps Ancans, Craig Barnes, BBKP, Louisa Minkin,
Callum Pepper, Catriona Robertson, Alex Schady, Nicola Shilcock,
Pete Smithson, David Stewart, Natascha Young.

Open to CSM staff/students:
Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th January
12.30 – 4.00pm

Open to the public:
Wednesday 27th January 14, 2016
4.30 – 8.00pm
Public entry is via CSM main entrance, Booking essential.
Booking for the public is via the below link (1/2 hour slots)

The Dialogical Avatar Donna Haraway

“Anytime we’re talking about cultural objects like Avatar, in a corporate dominant culture, we are playing with fire, clearly. When the so-called indigenous is so-called natural, the extraordinary naturalization of the indigenous, no matter how talented, no matter how really, really, really, really great, no matter how many inventions they may have invented. But it requires the other half of the equation, which is a particular production of whiteness. Even though there were plenty of people of color occupying the category of whiteness in that film. Whiteness is a space to occupy for those who are associated with the technologies of conquest, extraction, commerce, etc. and that strikes me. Both of those two require each other. And actual, living people believe these things of each other, to damaging degrees. Such that I know no small number of white people, some of whom I’ve found in my own skin, at various moments, you know, who somehow feel less able to speak up, in a critical way, in a conversation with someone who is produced as more natural. Whether it’s in an indigenous rights discussion, a discussion about who owns race, class, and gender properties, and so on, and so on. The very much in-play ways that these story-fragments continue to set people out around these nature/technology contrasts, to perpetuate the trouble – people actually inhabit these imagined positions and do it to one another, including doing it to oneself.”


Sunday, 10 January 2016

public sculpture 1

Correlatively, the formation of the I is symbolized in dreams by a fortress, or a stadium - its inner arena and enclosure, surrounded by marshes and rubbish-tips, dividing it into two opposed fields of contest where the subject flounders in quest of the lofty, remote inner castle whose form (sometimes juxtaposed in the same scenario) symbolizes the id in a quite startling way. Similarly, on the mental plane, we find realized the structures of fortified works, the metaphor of which arises spontaneously, as if issuing from the symptoms themselves, to designate the mechanisms of obsessional neurosis - inversion, isolation, reduplication, cancellation and displacement. 

Electronic Reserve Text: from Jacques Lacan, Ecrits, New York: W. W. Norton, 1977.
The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience
Delivered at the 16th International Congress of Psychoanalysis, Zurich, July 17, 1949

wrong corner

Thursday, 7 January 2016