Sunday 3 May 2009

ars combinatoria

Article 47 - Bodies

90. A body is a substance full of points, lines and angles, situated in length, breadth and depth and habituated with a surface. A body has its coessential parts which are the points, lines and angles of which it is fully composed. By the second species of rule C, one body is terminated by another body. By the second species of rule D, it is made of its coessential parts. By rule F it has continuous and discrete quantity. By rule G it is a common aggregate composed of substance and accidents. By rule H it exists in time, by rule I it exists in space, and by rule K it is in motion. But the intellect wonders why the eighth sphere is not contained in any other place. And it remains in doubt until it considers the fact that all bodies are finite and habituated with shape, otherwise there would be an infinite body, which is impossible.

Article 48 - Figures

91. A figure is an accident made of situation and habit, which are its parts by the second species of rule C. And by the third species of this rule, a figure is a habit of bodies, and by the fourth species, it has straight and curved lines. With color, a figure is an object of sight, but with lines and angles and without color, it is an object of touch, and with all these things it is an object of the imagination. And here the intellect realizes that the imagination is a higher power than the senses, and more general than sight. Now a figure cannot be objectified by the intellect without imagination. And here the intellect realizes that after a man's death, his soul retains the species it had acquired through the imagination so as to keep in memory this earthly life and the body in which it was present.


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