Wednesday 11 November 2009

cheshire cats

ravishing beasts
Lion heads photographed by the nineteenth-century hunter, explorer, and Staff Intelligence Officer Guy C. Dawnay in 1876. Dawnay’s love of hunting eventually proved fatal: Dawnay was killed by a wounded buffalo on a hunting expedition to east Africa in 1888

....basically around six paradigms of jouissance linked to imaginary (jouissance of (mis)recognition in image) symbolic (language 'cuts-up / cuts-out' jouissance making it unavailable) real (jouissance is there, outside in das Ding, outside language - see Sem VII - ethics of psychoanalysis, here jouissance is both linked to the 'good' but this is what burns if you get to close - jouissance est mal) drive (jouissance in object a around which drive circulates) in language itself (as remainder, as surplus-jouissance, linked to surplus-value - see seminar 'the other side of psychoanalysis - jouissance both not-there, but also a stain on the bottom of the signifiers heel, which it cannot get rid of) as feminine jouissance (versus phallic masturbatory jouissance, also in language again as lalangue - lalanguage...) Monsieur F.S.

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