Wednesday 7 December 2011

calculus / pebbles

The gesture of tapping with the fingertips on the keys of an apparatus can be called “calculate and compute.” It makes mosaic-like combinations of particles possible, technical images, a computed universe in which particles are assembled into visible images.


Just as mosaics preserve their majesty despite their fragmentation into capricious particles, so philosophical contemplation is not lacking in momentum. Both are made up of the distinct and the disparate; and nothing could bear more powerful testimony to the transcendent force of the sacred image and truth itself. The value of fragments of thought is all the greater the less direct their relation to the underlying idea, and the brilliance of representation depends as much on this value as the brilliance of the mosaic does on the quality of the glass paste. The relationship between the minute precision of the work and the proportions of the sculptural or intellectual whole demonstrates that truth content is only to be grasped through immersion in the most minute details of subject matter. In their supreme, western form the mosaic and the treatise are products of the middle ages; it is their very real affinity which makes comparison possible.

WB / Origin of GTD / 29

Mosaic is the web browser credited with popularizing the World Wide Web. It was also a client for earlier protocols such as FTP, NNTP, and gopher. Its clean, easily understood user interface, reliability, Windows port and simple installation all contributed to making it the application that opened up the Web to the general public.[3] Mosaic was also the first browser to display images inline with text instead of displaying images in a separate window.[4] While often described as the first graphical web browser, Mosaic was preceded by the lesser-known Erwise[5] and ViolaWWW.

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