Wednesday 20 March 2019

messy assemblages Dawson & Paul Reilly


a compound of Daten (data) and Krake (octopus), invoking an imagery of such a company being an octopus having its virtual "tentacles" deeply penetrating its users' online habits.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Friday 8 March 2019

meat poles



20 years of an eagle's flight

In principle, sprang may be regarded as a practical application of the fiber manipulation techniques used in the children's game known as cat's cradle.[1] Sprang is made by preparing a set of warp threads either on a rectangular frame or between a pair of beams. The craftsperson then generates a fabric by interlinking the warp threads. Unlike most textile production techniques that add new rows at the end of completed rows, sprang works upon the center of a group of fibers and the material grows inward from both ends with symmetrical top and bottom halves. The craftsperson must maintain control of the center area or the structure unravels: most sprang worked upon has too many fibers to keep in hand, so rods or sticks maintain the appropriate fiber positions. The fiber manipulation itself is done by the craftsperson's fingers. Decorative patterns may be generated by regular variations in the fiber crossings. As crossings accumulate the craftsperson beats the material flat with a stick.[2][3] Work continues with the material growing from both edges toward the middle until the center band becomes too tight to continue work.[4] The completed fabric is either separated into two identical items or permanently secured at the middle to stabilize the contrary twists.[3] In traditions where two halves of sprang are not severed by cutting, this center seam is a telltale sign of sprang manufacture.[3]

tablet weaving

Sunday 3 March 2019

Airmedh's cloak

 the hand of Nuada cut off in battle

Credne Cerd, the smith, made a silver hand so skilfully that all the joints moved

Argentlam // silverhand

 No maimed person might rule.

Miach and Airmedh, son and daughter of Dian Cecht  arrive

They replace the eye of the half-blind doorkeeper with that of a cat

Gain access

Nuanda is tormented by an infection at the join of the silverhand and the flesh.

Miach has Nuanda's long-buried hand dug up

He chants a charm enjoining each sinew, nerve, vein and bone to reunite

In three days the hand and arm have feeling, deftness and touch

 Dian Cecht is furious that his son is a superior physician

He attacks and Miach heals himself until

his father cleft his brain in two.

out of Miach's grave there grew 365 herbs, each specific for healing the part of the body from which it had sprung.

365 herbs picked and laid out on Airmedh's  cloak according to the part of the body where it had grown to aid remembering its healing property

Dian Cecht shook up the mantle and muddled it

Coltsfoot // Coughwort
Viola Odorata 
< 3
<3heartsease br="">
 anti-neoplastic, antiseptic, soothing

Brigid's cloak // brat

She said to the king that the place where she was standing was the perfect spot. It was good fertile land, with access to water from a nearby lake and beside a forest where they could keep pigs, collect firewood and forage for foods like nuts and berries. The king refused. She smiled at the king and said “Will you give me as much land as my cloak will cover?” The king was intrigued, how could that be enough land to build a convent? The king agreed, interested to see what would happen. He knew Brigid was a very resourceful woman but he couldn’t see how this could work in her favour. Brigid spread her brat on the ground, she then asked her four companions to hold a corner of the brat and walk in opposite directions. The four friends walked north, south, east and west. The brat immediately grew and began to cover many acres of land. The king kept his promise. 

3D filament print containing mugwort, viola odorata, coltsfoot, rosemary

Linger on your pale blue eyes...

I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulturea pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold...I made up my mind take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever