Hendrick Vroom - detail showing the Prince Royal
The Arrival at Vlissingen of the Elector Palatinate Frederick V 1632
i6n APPENDIX V 207
New Building the Prince Royal at Woolwich
[Pipe Office Declared Account No. 2249] 1
[N.B. Spelling and numerals modernised]
Mathew Baker, one of his Majesty's Master Ship-
wrights, for his pains and charges in many journeys
between Deptford and Woolwich during the time of the
new building of his Majesty's ship the Prince Royal, by
special command from the Lord Treasurer and the Lord
Admiral of England . .... io/.
Robert Beake and Paul Isackson, painters, for paint-
ing and gilding his Highness' ship the Prince Royal with
fine gold and divers colours wrought and laid in oil,
finding at their own charge all manner of stuff and work-
manship : viz. the beakhead three times primed and
stopped ; his Majesty's arms and badges, with divers
beasts, and the Prince's arms all gilded with fine gold
and wrought in oil colours . . . 621. 6s. Sd.
For both the sides, and all the carved work on both
the sides, as well on the backside as foreside, three times
primed and stopped ; with his Majesty's whole arms and
badges on the two upper strakes ; the Prince's arms and
badges on the third strake ; the great mask head on the
fourth strake ; all the foresaid arms, with very much
other work, and the lower strake all gilded and wrought
in oil colours iqol,
For the galleries, three on each side, priming three
times ; the lower galleries with his Majesty's beasts and
badges ; the third with the like and very much other
work ; all gilded and wrought in oil colours . . ioo/.
For the upright in the stern with his Majesty's whole
arms and badges ; on the first, second and third galleries
on the stern, with his Majesty's arms and beasts, and
the Prince's also ; on the lower counter two great mask
heads three times primed and stopped, all gilded and
laid in oil colours 140^.
208 APPENDIX V 1611
For all the bulkheads, the first in the poop, the second
afore the Master's cabin, the third afore the Prince's
cabin, the fourth and fifth in the waist with the bell-
house, the sixth and seventh afore the forecastle, thereon
some of his Majesty's badges and much other work,
three times primed and stopped, gilded and wrought in
oil colours 45/. los.
For all the timbers within the board, and all the
plansers 1 afore and abaft, double primed and stopped
and laid in oil colours ...... io/.
For the galleries within board, primed and stopped
and laid in oil colours 61.
For the Prince's lodging cabin, very curiously wrought
and gilded with divers histories, and very much other
work in oil colours ..... i6^l.
For the state cabin, gilded and very curiously wrought
with divers histories, and much other works, wrought in
oil colours and varnished go/.
For the room abaft the stateroom, wrought overhead
and on each side with sundry figures in oil colours . 15^.
For the Master's cabin wrought and varnished, with
his mate's cabins, primed and laid in oil colours nos.
And for all the works under the half deck, double
primed and stopped, with very much works, and up the
stairs to the half deck, all laid in oil colours . . 40/.
In all 868J. 6s. Sd.
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