Saturday 27 February 2010

dishes for devells eyes


mentes for
suche as
playes re-
q'red pro-
vided and


chyns, Nayles, vices, Hookes, Hingf, Horstayles, Hobby
horses, pitchers, paper, Braunches of sylke and othe 7 gar-
nit r for pageant? , fethers, ffagbroches, Tow, Trenchers,
gloves black, septers, wheate sheaves, Bodyes of men in
iymber, dishes for devells eyes, devices for hell, T; hell
mowthe staves for banners Tx. Bowes, bills, daggs, Tar-
gets, swordes, daggers, fawchins fierw r ke, Bosses for
bittf , speares, past, glew, pacthrede, whipcorde, Holly,
Ivy, % other greene bowes, bayes, % strewing erbes T;
such like Irapleraetf by him employed at the coo'te % in
thoffice to acceptable purposes w* cariagf % Reward? by
him paid in all ; xiiij 1 *. xj". j d .

Sachary Benett for x dosen of Kyddf skynnes together
The Fur- with the woorkmanship by him and his servauntf doone
ryer. U po n the Hobby horses that s r ved the children of West-

minster in the triumphe (where parris wan the Christall
sheelde for vienna, at the Turneye and Barryers) in all ;

xlijs vj d .

William Lyzard for Golde, sylver and sundry other

The Cullers Cullers by him spent in paynting the howses that se'ved

for the playes *l players at the Coo'te ; w* theier pperties

% necessaries Incident the gticul's wherof appeere at

lardge in his bill ; xiij u . xvj 1 . j d .

and his per-

Thomas Leverett for mony to him due for wyer, plates,
Lantornes, canstikf staples, snakes pack needls, Ropes,
bittf % suche like trinkett? w* his attendaunce as more
at lardge appereth in his bill am** * to ; vj u . xvj".

Thomas Gyles for mony to him due for xxj ffyne
Vizardes vyzard? with long Berdes, lxx 8 . And for vj Turk?
vizard? xv s . In all as by his bill therof appereth ;

iiij li . v".

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